Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Something Old, Something New...

No, I'm not planning someone's wedding. But I am looking at something old, something new, something borrowed, and well, there are some blue things I guess, too.

In our homeschooling, I have always trusted God to show us what to use and where to go. We've always had interesting, exciting curriculum. But in the last couple months God has really shaken things up, in a good way...

Something old... I'm sticking with a few old favorites. Good old books are among my favorite things! I love finding old books at book sales! We'll also be keeping our old math curriculum, Math U See, for our youngest son. We really enjoyed that with our oldest (till this year, that's part of the something new...) We'll also be keeping all our favorite old audios to enhance our history studies.

Something new... Well, there are a lot of new things lately. We started using The Weaver curriculum just a few short months ago. I have never set aside my entire curriculum mid-year. But this seemed so orchestrated by God that I had to just jump in with both feet. It's been a wonderful thing!

Something that isn't new (but was new in the fall of 2010) was switching our oldest son to Life of Fred, from Math U See. He was fond of MUS once upon a time but had grown bored with it and really liked the idea of LOF's story line. It was a good choice for him. He really enjoys math now! However, I was finding that some of the practice of math problems would disappear over time. So another something new that we'll start next week~ Calculadders. We'll do this in addition to LOF. He isn't thrilled with the idea of drills, but he's willing to give it a go as long as he can keep LOF as his main math book!

And finally our newest something new~ The Latin Road! The Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading for my youngest son and the Bridge to the Latin Road for my oldest son. We have used All About Spelling this year and may continue with my oldest son. It is based on the Spalding Method, which, it turns out, so is the Phonics Road! (Oh, The Phonics Road books have blue covers, there is our something blue!) Anyhow, I'm very eager to get them started, in fact I'm so eager that I won't wait till autumn. The beauty of homeschooling says I can start any time! So we'll begin that next week! I'll be posting more info about the program as I learn more...

Something borrowed... I am so grateful for other homeschooling moms and the library! Especially now that we've begun doing a unit study approach in our homeschool. It is a blessing to have a neighbor with which to swap books! And our local library is a wonderful resource to have available! It's like a big scavenger hunt every time we go there!

I intend to post more info about the programs we use and possibly even some photos. I hope it will be helpful to someone trying to pick curriculum. It is sometimes an overwhelming choice, but let the Lord guide you and you'll never go wrong! :)


  1. What'cha studying next? Maybe I have some books on the topic. We are happy to help. And, by the way, thank you too for the books that we've borrowed from your extensive library!

  2. Thanks! :) I have sure appreciated sharing libraries with you!

    Let's see, looks like we're doing genealogies, bible history from Shem to Abram, history of Terah, lots of family history stuff, famous artists, a bit of US History, science history, and the senses. That's what the outline says, in short. lol

  3. My son is still only 22 months old, but I am doing a lot of learning & planning. I am feeling very led to use Math U See & Weaver. One trend I have noticed strongly in asking around is that kids LOVE MUS in the early years & then grow bored with it. So I think I need to be prepared for that.

  4. I think I've also noticed that. I have friends that changed math curric at about the same age we've switched. I can say that the Lord will let you know what to use, and when. :) If you go WAY back to nearly the beginning of the blog you'll see one called My Foundation. It explains further. :)
