Friday, November 5, 2010

A first time for everything...

I had told myself a long time ago that I had no time to add another thing to my list.  Especially where the computer was concerned.  In fact, I am trying to cut back on my computer time.  So why start a blog?  And yet, here we are starting up a new page. 

I felt as if I needed a place to put my thoughts and begin journaling our homeschooling experiences.  I began teaching my sons at home to give them an education.  But I am the one who has been educated and continues to be educated daily!  I have learned so much about myself, the Lord, my kids, relating to others, seeing the Lord in everything, and on and on goes the list.  So before I forget these valuable lessons, I decided to find a place online to record them.  If I am the only one to ever read this, it should be worth my time.  And if someone else out there stumbles on this blog and finds encouragement, all the better.

God bless!


  1. It can be your master, or your servant. I suggest you make it that latter. In doing so it will be a lovely blessing. Welcome to the Blog world! :)

  2. Thank you so much :) And yes, I totally get that. It's like anything, if you let it rule you, you'll be in quicksand. Only the Lord ought to be ruling. Thanks!!

  3. I love reading posts from the past, which aren't that old yet! I can't imagine how much more precious they will be in a few years!

  4. Yeah! Homeschooling does stretch us, but so does blogging. I had no idea how God would use blogging to grow me. And I've met some pretty amazing friends through the process, too. That was something I never expected!

    Let me know if you ever have any questions. I'm not terribly familiar with Blogger, but I adore the homeschool blogging community.

    Peace to you,

  5. I started homeschooling with the idea that I was going to teach my kids, what I learned is indeed I am the student. I was inspired to go reread one of my prayer journals from the early years. I was thankful that the girls didn't fight and that my 2 year old had a successful day pottytraining. My 2 year old is now 15 and my oldest is pottytraining my 2 year old grandson. It went by sooooo fast and though I didn't learn perfectly I did learn and am sooooo thankful for all of the adventures.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh Heidi I love it...
    "I was thankful that the girls didn't fight and that my 2 year old had a successful day pottytraining."
    Some days are SO like that! And nobody warned me hehe! I remember one day calling my wonderful Sister-in-Law, Cindy, and saying how we hadn't accompmlished anything in days! She assured me that we had done more than I realized. I believe Erikson would have been in K and Ethan would have been probably 2ish. And I hadn't been told about giving myself grace when you have a toddler in the home. I was so grateful to have Cindy there to tell me it would be ok and Erikson would learn what he needed, when he needed. He's 10 now. It is going by WAY too fast!
