Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful for a Blustery Day

Typically, I am a warm weather kind of gal.  I could live in 70 degree autumn days all year long!  I love the crisp red and orange leaves, the cool mornings, and warm afternoons- perfect for a walk to the park with the boys. 

But today, it is cold, windy, wet, and gray.  It is finally November.  And honestly, in this moment I am loving it.  Once in a while it's lovely to have an indoor, snuggly, blustery day.  I can't wait to get our homeschool day started just so I can get some hot chocolate going on the stovetop for a story time, later.  The irony is that our bible study today is on laziness, and my inclination in this kind of weather is to be nothing more than lazy!  Snuggly chenille socks, a warm sweater, a mug of home made cocoa, and a good book are all that beckon me today. 

And yet, I know there are so many things that will call my attention.  I am praying for a balance, however.  I don't mind the busy-ness that must be a part of daily life at home.  But I also want that time to just be with the boys while they are young, enjoying our blustery day together.  I suppose that calls for a post about priorities... ;)

I hope that your day, no matter where you live, is blessed.  Be it a beautiful, sunny autumn day, or a blustery one.  With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is good to ponder the things we can be grateful for, and the One to whom we are grateful.  Spend a moment of thankfulness at His feet today. 


  1. Such a joy to be reading your words and looking forward to all you have to share, bless, encourage and prayfully lay on hearts to convict, challenge and inspire!

    God bless you dear Sister!

  2. Thanks :) You know there will be lots more to come hehe!
