Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All About Reading

I know that one sign of the new year is curriculum shopping. In our home, once the holidays are over and winter decorations come down to be replaced by spring-time trinkets, I find myself thinking of what new things I can bring into our homeschool. Maybe it's spring fever? Looking for something fresh to breathe new life in our routines. If that is you, I have a little food for thought on a new program.

I looked high and low for a spelling program that we'd all agree was fantastic. I tried several, and while many started out well, they didn't keep my son's interest. This year we started using All About Spelling and he has loved it. Since my youngest is doing The Phonics Road (the spelling portion of this curriculum is basically the same format as AAS) he probably won't be needing All About Spelling. But my oldest will use it to completion. I have been very grateful for this spelling program and I highly recommend it to anyone who isn't doing The Phonics Road.

But that's not what I'm going to introduce you to (for more information on AAS, click the link on the right side of the page.) No, what I am talking about comes from the makers of AAS. This is All About Reading!!

While I'm head over heels for The Phonics Road, I also know that AAR will be a fabulous resource for parents and I just had to share it with you! I am well aware that no two families are alike and that variety is the spice of life. So if The Phonics Road isn't for you, prayerfully consider All About Reading for your budding reader.

I'm providing a link on the right side my home page. You'll find all the information about what's in the AAR kit, plus at the bottom of the page you'll see links to sample pages! I love samples!

The 2nd link I'm providing is for two free activity booklets! These fun, free e-books are great for pre-K and K students.

Since this is a brand new curriculum, I haven't had the chance to try it myself. If you have ordered this and are using it, please feel free to leave comments on my blog! I'd love to hear your opinion. I can only speak to the high quality and standards that AAS has consistently provided, and I am sure to see that kind of quality in the AAR program as well. Happy curriculum hunting!!

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